Clarity By SEIDOR


Clarity by SEIDOR

The out-of-the-box suite of reports developed for SAP Business One to empower decision-makers through enhanced visualization of business data.


Clarity by SEIDOR

The out-of-the-box suite of reports developed for SAP Business One to empower decision-makers through enhanced visualization of business data.

Clarity by SEIDOR offers extremely cost-effective, real-time, interactive reporting to help you optimise your business.

Clarity by SEIDOR Overview
Analytics Sales Overview

View by Product, Product Group, Sales Rep, Customer, Business Unit, Branch, Division, etc.

Sales Overview

Easily identify your most important customers, compare them to your other customers, filter by BU, Sales Rep, etc.

Customer Overview & Customer Details
Analytics Customer Overview
Cost Centre Reporting

Compare your Cost Centres with ease, across a variety of important metrics

Cost Centre Reporting

Compare Sales Reps, view products sold to which customers; view Sales Amount and GP.

Sales Reps
Sales Rep Reporting and Tracking
Stock Tracking and Analytics

View by Product, Product Group, Supplier, Warehouse, etc.

Compare stock on hand vs. sales amount to fully understand how much stock you should hold

Stock Analysis and Stock Aging

View by Cost Centre, Segment, Business Unit, Branch, Division, Company, etc., in local or reporting currency

Financial Overview
Financial Overview Reporting
Business Analytics
And Many More

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Time wasted on reporting


You are currently spending hours a month manually updating reports

Insight Icon

Valuable Insight

You are struggling to unlock valuable insight from your existing information systems

Collaboration on business reports


You are struggling to get the right reports to the right people in time

Interactive reporting

Interactive Reporting

Report users struggle to determine what to do next after viewing existing reports

Informative reporting

Informative Reporting

Your existing reports lack the "punch" and "pizzazz" that makes your audience wants to keep looking.