

Our latest developments

August 20, 2024

SEIDOR incorporates Carlyle into its capital to become a global Top Player

SEIDOR, the technology consulting firm, strengthens its growth with a particular focus on Europe and the USA, by bringing global investment firm Carlyle into its shareholder base, one of the leading firms worldwide


Lo más leído

July 11, 2024

The challenge of inclusive technology

Technology has penetrated every corner of our lives and our environment. From the way we communicate to how we work, learn, and relate, its influence is deep and evident. This technological advancement brings numerous benefits and a positive impact on human evolution.

Iván González Seidor
Iván González
Director de Marketing, Comunicación y Sostenibilidad en SEIDOR
June 28, 2024

SEIDOR-Hospitality: an adventure in the hotel sector

Overcoming the extremely tough period that the pandemic represented for hotel chains and in response to a need directly expressed by customers in this sector, SEIDOR has combined its experience in SAP consulting with its long history in hotel chains to drive a new initiative focused on this sector.

June 26, 2024

SEIDOR promotes IT employment for people with disabilities

The social entity and the technology consultancy inaugurate the first technological enclave of the entity with the aim of promoting the labor inclusion of people with disabilities, in a context of accelerated digital transformation due to the impact of generative artificial intelligence

June 13, 2024

SEIDOR drives talent and inclusivity at Sónar+D

The technology consultancy SEIDOR brings together 450 STEAM students, major IT companies, and inclusivity experts to address the impact of technological acceleration and generative AI on new professionals

June 11, 2024

SEIDOR recognized for the second consecutive year as a leader in diversity

Equipos y Talento once again awards SEIDOR, for the second consecutive year, as one of the leading companies in diversity at the Diversity & Inclusion Day 2024.

The exclusive event brought together more than 130 companies participating in the Diversity Leading Company and Empowering Women’s Talent programs, thus celebrating the commitment of organizations to diversity, equity, and inclusion as drivers of change and evolution.

May 29, 2024

SEIDOR among the 100 best companies to work for, for the second consecutive year

We are excited to announce that, for the second consecutive year, SEIDOR has been recognized by the prestigious business publication Forbes as one of the 100 best companies to work for.