tecnologia inclusiva

July 11, 2024

The challenge of inclusive technology

Technology has penetrated every corner of our lives and our environment. From the way we communicate to how we work, learn, and relate to others, its influence is profound and evident. This technological advancement brings numerous benefits and a positive impact on human evolution.

Technological inclusion: a crucial challenge in the digital era

However, as in any revolution, technology can also reproduce some inequalities already present in our society. For technology to fulfill its role of progress and equity, it is crucial that it becomes an active agent of inclusion. In this sense, the conception and design of technology play a key role in supporting and empowering different groups that may be excluded.

For example, unequal access to the internet or digital devices can create a significant barrier for those belonging to disadvantaged communities, limiting their opportunities for education, employment, and social participation. In 2023, 2.7 billion people still did not have access to the Internet, meaning that 36% of the world's population cannot benefit from one of the great assets of digital transformation.

In addition, the biases inherent in artificial intelligence algorithms and systems can replicate and amplify existing discriminations. A study by Stanford University in 2020 identified that, in the US, recruitment algorithms used by companies were more likely to benefit white candidates. To counteract these inequalities, technology must be designed and developed inclusively, creating tools and platforms accessible to all individuals and responding to the needs and perspectives of marginalized communities. We believe that change arises from a responsible, accessible, and collaborative process, and not as a point at the end of a process.

The neutrality of technology: a myth

We consider technology as a neutral entity is a mistake since each solution is imbued with the beliefs, values, and biases of those who create it. For example, automated hiring algorithms may favor candidates who reflect the characteristics of those who have historically held those positions, perpetuating the exclusion of minority and underrepresented groups. Therefore, technology must be designed and evaluated with a conscious approach to these biases, prioritizing its impact on society over the particular intentions of those who conceived them.

Technologies must evolve along with society, addressing new forms of inequality that may arise. This implies a constant monitoring and adjustment of policies and practices to ensure that all individuals can benefit equitably from technological advances.

Inclusion and participation of marginalized groups

The participation of those marginalized groups in the conception and development of technology is essential since only through the inclusion of diverse perspectives can solutions be created that truly address the needs of all people. For example, designing devices that consider the physical or mental limitations of users with disabilities can only be achieved through active collaboration with these groups since each person is an expert as a result of their own life experiences and, therefore, can make unique and exceptional contributions. We work to achieve sustainable, controlled, and community-driven results.

Interseccionalidad is a crucial concept in technological inclusion. It involves considering more than a single dimension of inequality, such as gender or race, recognizing in an aggregated way how multiple forms of discrimination interact with each other and affect individuals, from sexual orientation, disability, or age, among many others. Thus, a woman from an ethnic minority with a disability must face barriers that must be understood globally, and not simply by adding up the challenges of each affected group (woman, ethnic minority, with a disability), separately. In other words, technology must be sensitive to these complexities to offer truly inclusive solutions.

Technology has the potential to be a positive force for social inclusion, as long as it is conceived, designed, and implemented, from its origin, with awareness and responsibility. The creation of truly inclusive technology is a continuous challenge that requires active participation from each and every sector of society. Only then can we build a fairer and more equitable future, where everyone has the opportunity to benefit from technological advances. Inclusion is much more than an ideal, it is a responsibility and an urgent need to humanize the digital age we are immersed in.

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