
01 September 2023

Feature Pack 2305 draws a line with SAP upgrades

You must be on 10.0 already in order to directly upgrade to FP2305

With version 10.0 SAP has changed their SAP Business One feature releases to not only be annual minor releases (such as 9.1, 9.2 and 9.3 in the past), but rather to release new functionality on a near quarterly basis with Feature Packs.

When you upgrade from 9.2 or 9.3, you would then typically upgrade directly to the latest 10.0 Feature Pack. (The naming convention is FPYYMM, so FP2305 refers to the release planned for May 2023, which became available in late July.)

Directly upgrading from old SAP versions no longer holds true with the recent FP2305 release – you must be on 10.0 already in order to upgrade to it directly. While not called 10.1, it might be easier to think of it from that perspective.

What does this mean to you?

  • If you’re on 10.0 already, it has no impact. There is already merit to maintain periodic upgrades even when on 10.0 in order to enjoy the additional released functionality.
  • If you’re not yet on 10.0, it means upgrading to the latest Feature Pack of 10.0 will carry an additional cost and have some additional infrastructural complexity, as there is now an additional interim upgrade step required. (Essentially, upgrading becomes more expensive and complex the longer you wait.)

SAP summarises all their 10.0 release highlights here. Features are identified by the Feature Pack in which they were released. If you upgrade to the latest Feature Pack, you would gain the benefit of all features in that release as well as all past releases.

If you have any questions regarding this or anything else relating to SAP upgrades, please discuss with your account manager.


SAP Business One

SAP Business One

Used by more than 70 000 SMEs globally, SAP Business One provides affordable ERP software for any growing business. Get all of the tools your business needs in this all-in-one system. Available on-premise or cloud-hosted.