erp industria metalurgia

August 22, 2024

The ultimate ERP for the metallurgical industry: Metal One

Listen to the audiopost and discover the ultimate ERP for the metallurgical industry: Metal One

The ultimate ERP for the metallurgical industry: Metal One


Are you considering using an ERP for the metallurgical industry? We can already tell you that it is an excellent idea. However, it is natural that you have many doubts about the real effectiveness of this digital management system. Will it really adapt to my company? Will it take into account the unique characteristics of SMEs? What does the use of an ERP bring to my business?

In the following sections, we will explain what are the most common challenges of the metallurgical industry. We will talk about some that could affect your company now and in the future. Additionally, we will also show you how to overcome these challenges thanks to a specialized ERP platform for the metallurgical industry, namely, Metal One. Don't miss it!

How to overcome the challenges facing the metallurgical industry?

According to a report published by the Ministry of Industry and Tourism, there are around 100,000 metallurgical companies or companies producing metal products in Spain. Although this is one of the sectors with the greatest strength in our country, employing more than one million workers, many of these organizations are forced to overcome significant challenges. What are the most relevant ones?

Most of the sector's challenges are related to supply chain management, which involves coordination among different suppliers for the supply of metals and fuels. We also face challenges in production control, which includes managing complex machinery, complying with quality standards, or adapting to local and international regulations, such as those related to environmental impact. Each of these areas gives rise to countless tasks that, if not addressed comprehensively, lead to significant inefficiencies in operations.

In view of this, many companies have chosen to digitize their processes. Thanks to the use of ERP for the metallurgical industry, companies in the sector achieve unifying all their processes in one place, reducing the workload of employees, and eliminating human error. Furthermore, they become more competitive by introducing cutting-edge technologies, such as generative artificial intelligence, automation, cloud data access, or advanced analytics. But, which platform should your company choose?

erp industria metalurgica

The ultimate ERP for the metallurgical industry: Metal One

If you are looking for a tool that improves efficiency in all processes of your company, you need an ERP for the metallurgical industry. This software helps you recover control of operations, unify them, and manage them more easily.

We are pleased to present Metal One, **a solution based on the leading ERP for SMEs, SAP Business One**. It is a proposal from SEIDOR that takes advantage of all the benefits of this software and **adapts them to the unique needs of metallurgical companies**. Do you want to know everything it can do for your business? Please read the following sections carefully.

Convert the company into a smart foundry

Have you heard of terms like Smart Foundry or Foundry 4.0? Based on the Industry 4.0 concept, this approach leverages advanced technologies, such as ERP for the metallurgical industry, and connectivity to optimize and automate production processes. With Metal One's advanced analytics, enabled by artificial intelligence models, valuable data can be obtained to make informed and timely decisions. The platform processes all information in real time and operates in the cloud, ensuring that data is always up-to-date and accessible from anywhere in the world. This solution opens the doors to the fourth industrial revolution. Production planning and control

With Metal One, your company **delegates a large part of repetitive and mechanical tasks** to the tool, such as tracking production orders or planning maintenance. This allows for a deeper operational planning, such as optimizing the use of furnaces for smelting and efficiently scheduling the metal cooling process. Similarly, because the ERP for the metallurgical industry continues to analyze various data sources in real time, the management team has **reliable information to control key production phases**, such as defect rates or the performance of each furnace.

Inventory and Warehouse Management

Inventory and warehouse management is one of the most crucial aspects for any foundry. How does Metal One help prevent raw material shortages? Basically, it has advanced tools to track the stock of each material. In this way, it is able to make forecasts that the purchasing department will use to replenish the inventory. Similarly, it avoids surpluses, preventing unnecessary purchases and saving costs for the company. Additionally, it reduces the risks derived from poor inventory control.

Unified Data Flow

Metal One acts from the very beginning as a data concentrator. It has options to connect the ERP platform with each of the industrial applications, including specific platforms such as inventory management or foundry process control. Similarly, it also promotes collaboration between departments, such as production, accounting, logistics, and maintenance. This reduces costs and, in addition, minimizes energy consumption.

Integration with IoT

Integrating with the Internet of Things allows you to track any data from Metal One. In addition, the use of smart devices allows the ERP to know the status of each production phase, as well as apply automatic corrections thanks to artificial intelligence. Among other things, it facilitates real-time control of specific aspects such as the temperature of each furnace or the use of different gases.

Complete traceability

As the ERP for the metallurgical industry is capable of controlling all processes, it allows applying traceability from raw material to the final product. In this way, it is much easier to control the entire production process, as well as implementing corrective measures when inefficiency points are detected. It also helps to comply with regulations in all production phases.

Quality control and regulatory compliance

Metal One includes ERP tools for the metallurgical industry that facilitate quality control and regulatory compliance. For example, it is capable of alerting possible deficiencies in the production process, such as errors in the dimensions of the parts or in the alloy of the metals, allowing the application of solutions before the consequences become irreversible or involve very high costs. It is also regularly updated to adapt to legislative changes, both locally and internationally.


Finally, ERP systems for the metallurgical industry simplify, among other things, the tracking of CO2 and dust emissions. It also includes tools for energy consumption management and waste management. This not only helps comply with environmental regulations, but also enhances the company's reputation by demonstrating its commitment to the green transition.

Implement now the best ERP for the metallurgical industry

Contact now with SEIDOR to start the implementation of Metal One in your business. Our team of specialists in the metallurgical industry will assess the needs of your company and provide you with a completely personalized proposal.

In a short time you will have automated most of the processes in your industry, such as inventory management, supplier orders, or machinery administration, and you will control the production process thoroughly with this ERP. Additionally, you will have an experienced technological partner by your side who is always there to help. Shall we talk?

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Ildefonso Guzmán
Ildefonso Guzmán
Sales Director en SEIDOR One