Clarity by SEIDOR
The out-of-the-box suite of reports developed for SAP Business One to empower decision-makers through enhanced visualization of business data.
Clarity by SEIDOR offers extremely cost-effective, real-time, interactive reporting to help you optimise your business.
View by Product, Product Group, Sales Rep, Customer, Business Unit, Branch, Division, etc.
Easily identify your most important customers, compare them to your other customers, filter by BU, Sales Rep, etc.
Compare your Cost Centres with ease, across a variety of important metrics
Compare Sales Reps, view products sold to which customers; view Sales Amount and GP.
View by Product, Product Group, Supplier, Warehouse, etc.
Compare stock on hand vs. sales amount to fully understand how much stock you should hold
View by Cost Centre, Segment, Business Unit, Branch, Division, Company, etc., in local or reporting currency
You are currently spending hours a month manually updating reports
Valuable Insight
You are struggling to unlock valuable insight from your existing information systems
You are struggling to get the right reports to the right people in time
Interactive Reporting
Report users struggle to determine what to do next after viewing existing reports
Informative Reporting
Your existing reports lack the "punch" and "pizzazz" that makes your audience wants to keep looking.
Empowering Your Business with Business Intelligence
Practical insights on how to approach the adoption of BI.
In today's highly competitive business landscape, staying ahead of the curve requires making informed decisions based on accurate and timely insights. This is where Business Intelligence (BI) comes into play, enabling organizations to unlock the hidden potential of their data and transform it into actionable intelligence.
How ERP solutions help the retail pharmacy sector gain valuable business insights
The pharmaceutical industry is faced with a multitude of challenges, including a rapidly changing landscape, competitive pressures, and the supply chain challenges wrought by the global COVID-19 outbreak. With a COVID-19 vaccine likely to be available in early 2021, we can expect even more pressure on the distribution chain.