websightsWhat is the price of SAP Business One? | SEIDOR
What is the price of SAP Business One?

August 02, 2024

What is the price of SAP Business One?

We understand that the costs of a tool are one of the factors that many companies consider when purchasing it. We have talked on numerous occasions about the benefits of this solution for SMEs, but today we will focus specifically on the price of SAP Business One, analyzing the aspects that influence its implementation cost.

Preliminary considerations on the costs of an ERP

Before starting, it is important to keep in mind that when we compare prices between different ERPs, we must consider the cost in relation to the functionalities and possibilities that it offers.

By this statement, we don't just mean that the software performs the operations you currently need; the market is changing, and so is your company, and therefore you will need a solution that grows with you. If you acquire an ERP that does not meet these characteristics, you could face large costs in situations such as an expansion or improvement of business processes, since it would not only be the implementation of a module or the integration of a tool, but also a complete change of ERP with all that that implies.

For this reason, keep in mind when exploring the different prices of SAP Business One that you are looking at a tool that is ready to grow with you.

The price of SAP Business One according to the license model and type

The first thing to consider is that the price of SAP Business One varies depending on a series of factors that we will see in later sections. Let's start with the basics; Let's talk about the standard costs of the solution according to the different licensing models it offers for its users:

  • Starter license: It is designed mainly for small businesses, as it has a maximum of 5 users. It includes the basic functionalities of the solution and does not allow you to combine users of this license with users of limited or professional license.
  • Limited License: Provides limited access to specific functionalities of an area of the company. This license is usually used for employees who have a specific role, for example, in sales or accounting.
  • Professional License: The user with this license can have unlimited access to all the functionalities of SAP Business One.
Subscription model

Subscription model

The subscription model is currently the most in demand. The price of SAP Business One depends on the type of license we choose: Professional, Limited or Starter. It should be noted that the subscription model is only available in the SAP Business One Cloud version, the cloud option of this ERP.

In the subscription version, the price of SAP Business One below includes annual maintenance of the solution, with a minimum contract duration of three years.

  • Professional License: price per user of $91 per month
  • Limited License: price per user of $47 per month
  • Starter License: Price per user of $38 per month

Because SAP Business One is scalable, it can adapt based on changing business needs and update or change licenses as the business requires.

Perpetual license

SAP also offers the possibility for companies to purchase the software from a single payment. This option is chosen by those who want to acquire ownership of the software, which allows them to have greater control of it and, therefore, the possibility of adapting it as the company requires.

It is important to note that in the perpetual license, annual maintenance is not included. This is the price of SAP Business One that you will find with the perpetual license depending on the type of user you require:

  • Professional License: price per user of $2,700
  • Limited License: $1,400 price per user
  • Starter License: $1,140 price per user

Factors that determine the price of SAP Business One

  • Number of users and licenses required: Each user who accesses the system needs a license and depending on their roles one license modality or another, making the price of SAP Business One vary significantly.
  • SAP Business One modules and additional functionalities: In addition to the standard SAP Business One functionalities, solution features can be added or removed according to business requirements. As expected, the more modules or functionalities we need, the more expensive the price will be.
  • Cloud or on-premise: As we said earlier, subscription models are only available in the cloud.
  • Customization and specific configurations: Some companies have such specific processes or want to delve into a task or process in such a way that custom development, certain configurations or adjustments in the modules are required that affect the final price of SAP Business One.
  • Support and maintenance services: These services are included in the subscription service, but must be carried out internally or by contracting such services separately from the consulting firm in cases where the perpetual license is acquired.
  • Staff training and testing: When we implement a digital solution in a company, we can suffer setbacks in the development of the activity if employees do not adapt correctly to the software. To this end, consultancies offer testing and training services at a cost that is determined by the number of employees or the way in which such training is delivered (face-to-face or online).

Implement SAP Business One with SEIDOR

At SEIDOR, we are one of SAP's leading partners worldwide. We have a division specialized in both SAP Business One and the sectors we work in, with dedicated teams to delve into the needs of these businesses and adapt the software to their processes.

Contact us if you want an expert consultant to advise you on the price of SAP Business One specific for your business according to your requirements, as well as a detailed explanation of everything this software can do for you.

Enjoy 30 days free trial

Enjoy 30 days free trial

We gift you a one-month trial so you can see for yourself all the potential of SAP Business One in your business.


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