02 May 2023
Growing into WMS
During our recent Warehouse Management System webinar and campaign, we heard the phrase “We’re not ready for WMS” several times. We have also noticed that it takes mere weeks to sell our most capable WMS solution to clients with prior WMS experience, while it may take many months to sell our simplest WMS to a client without prior experience.
Insights from our recent Warehouse Management System for SAP Business One webinar and campaign.
There is a clear barrier to entry, and we realise we have likely added to the perceived complexity by categorising our various WMS solutions along the lines of entry-level, intermediate, and advanced, whereas things are far more flexible.
If you’re not familiar with a WMS but need one, odds are you’ll tell us you want to start using a scanner with SAP Business One. That literally says “We’re ready for WMS,” so the challenge for us is not to have you believe otherwise once we engage!
Any WMS solution starts with scanning, but it’s important that we understand your potential future requirements before we recommend an appropriate solution. This will involve reviewing and demonstrating future functionality that is daunting at the onset (and we now realise that’s likely when folks run for the hills).
It helps to have a fair idea of what you may want in future, but at the onset the only real concern is simply to bite off what you can chew. All our WMS solutions can start off with simple scanning. Don’t try (or feel forced) to take on more than what you are comfortable with – as with SAP Business One itself, you can grow into extra WMS functionality down the line, and the pace is entirely up to you.
Would you like to start using a scanner with SAP Business One? Your account manager can help you with that. Our recent webinar is available here.