¿Qué aporta el software de gestión empresarial a tu negocio?

28 January 2022

What does business management software contribute to your business?

Business management software is a key tool in what has come to be called the digital revolution. In fact, it is technology that in itself lets us take a step further in a company's efficiency and organisation: consequently, at SEIDOR, we would like to talk a bit more about its advantages and how it can help you achieve your business objectives and support you in your expansion.

What is business management software?

Software empresarial

We will start by giving a clear definition of what business management software is. As we have already mentioned, this is an IT tool made up of different modules that together help run a company's different administrative, bureaucratic and operational tasks. So it is a tool that collects and centralises information from the entire business through technologies such as the Internet of Things and solutions created in our era, such as Big Data.

This information is available in real time: therefore, with business management software, there is a more comprehensive and in-depth horizon of information than ever before.

What benefits does business management software bring to your business?

Beneficios que aporta

Next, we will discuss some of the benefits of business management software for your business. As you will see, these benefits have a general focus related to business operations in general; therefore, business management software should be taken as a comprehensive tool that can help the business as a whole, not only a department or segment of it.

1.- More organised processes

Firstly, business management software has the advantage of making all processes a lot more organised. This is why ERP for SMEs can be a very interesting option. It is able to centralise and automate many processes by collecting all the information generated in the course of business. The way it does this is simple: it collects information from each department and each element of it and centralises it on a device. It provides this to enable better decision-making or to analyse decisions in order to automate them.

It is precisely because of the nature of this process that the approach of business management software is transversal: because it introduces coordination between the different departments to offer global provision of information and operations. At the same time, this lets us analyse, optimise and correct any processes in our business.

2.- It increases efficiency, reduces times

Secondly, and as a result of the previous point, we should discuss the increased efficiency provided by business management software. Thanks to the improvement it introduces in each process, it is able to significantly increase efficiency in the management and operation of each process. In fact, management software is not simply a tool to optimise processes; it is a tool that lets you analyse each process to see which require improvements and which are inefficient. It is important to take this potential into account when choosing business management software.

This point is essentially important for SMEs in expansion that need to implement the efficiency of their resource management as far as possible. Therefore, much of the efficiency provided by business management software is translated into a reduction in the times involved in each process.

An advantage that without a doubt makes your business more efficient and competitive. An advantage that enables you to achieve your objectives more quickly. With software like that provided by Seidor, data transfer is much faster, thus avoiding delays in the transmission of data.

3.- It maximizes integration between different departments

Another possible way we could define business management software is as a synergy tool. In fact, this is a type of software that can coordinate different departments precisely because it introduces and maximizes the transfer of information between them.

To give a specific example of how it helps make a business more efficient, let's think about the coordination that it can introduce between marketing, service and sales departments. Coordination between all of them that can help us see what is demanded while knowing what we can offer.

A tool, in short, that is able to provide just in time what our customers are looking for from us. This advantage is also related to product traceability: it is possible to track the journey of each unit throughout its life cycle until it is delivered. In this regard, investing in technology for your company is a win-win.

4.- Management from any location with business management software

Another advantage of business management software is that of enabling digital offices. This is due in large part to its digital consistency, which is why it works in the cloud. Thus, and thanks to the development of cloud technology, it is possible to view all the information from ERP or business management software from any location and in real time.

Access to the interface is extremely simple, so you can have management and information on your business 24 hours a day.

5.- It improves the working environment

It is clear that all the advantages we have mentioned so far have to do with the quality of information transfer and its management. That said: this enrichment in itself represents an advantage for the human capital of a business. Business management software improves communication and information transfer. Consequently, it also improves the working environment of a business by making each member feel more integrated into an interconnected system. When things work better in a business, they also work better for its employees.

For all these reasons, at SEIDOR we believe that business management software is in fact a tool for the present. The digital revolution in which we are immersed makes a tool like this essential for any business. It is an essential requirement to survive the future, in which increasing efficiency will be essential. We can help you find out how to choose software for your SME.

In passing, the future that we are already facing today requires us to fully use the technology available to meet the challenges that have intensified in the last year. We invite you to read some of our success stories to find out more about Seidor and its products.

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Ildefonso Guzmán
Ildefonso Guzmán
Sales Director en SEIDOR One