Cómo elegir un software para tu PYME. ¿Qué debes de tener en cuenta?

31 January 2022

How to choose software for your SME. What should you take into account?

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Cómo elegir un software para tu PYME. ¿Qué debes de tener en cuenta?


Digitalisation has recently become a fact of life in most companies of a certain size, regardless of the sector. Choosing the best software for your SME if this is the type of business you have is of vital importance. Good business and resource management is the basic pillar of productivity.

Key aspects to take into account

We will explain the key aspects to take into account when selecting company software:

Definition of needs

It is clear that a pharmaceutical sales company, for example, is not managed in the same way as a software development company. And for this reason, the needs and functionalities that the ERP system needs to have will not be the same either. When we decide to digitalise the management side, we need to be very clear about our day-to-day operations and what we need to control.

Clearly, there are areas that are common to all companies, such as accounting and human resources management, which will always be present. But there will also be other areas that are only typical of the business and this will have to be taken into account. Choosing the best software for your SME or large company will be decisive to the future of your company.

Definición necesidades

Clear and defined objectives

All business strategies are aimed at meeting a series of objectives that will lead to adequate turnover and profits. Efficiency in work processes entails a reduction in costs and better use of the company's resources to achieve these objectives. Using ERP helps to ensure that these processes are optimal, so choosing the best software for your SME is of vital importance.

In the end, everything is summed up in implementing software that facilitates and controls work processes. A good human team is the initial base; However, without good technology everything gets unbalanced. Meeting objectives involves doing what needs to be done, in logical time, with adequate and dimensioned resources.

Objetivos claros

Search for the right provider: let's become detectives

Today, it is a great advantage to be able to look for direct references of companies when it comes to selecting a service provider or product supplier. Serious and professional companies will always take great care of their image and that of the brand. Therefore, companies with obsolete and old websites are clearly not a priori going to offer a quality service as should be provided. Spend time looking at how they present themselves online, how they sell their products, what their values are, if the CEO and managers seem trustworthy.

It is clear that recommendations by colleagues in the sector will also have a significant weight when deciding which to choose. The opinions of those who have already implemented and tested the product are a source of real and direct information. Therefore, we recommend that you first conduct intensive research and gather all the information possible.

And if possible, it is very advisable to try demo versions of the management software you want to acquire. It is in this environment that you can really draw valid conclusions

Busqueda proveedor

Selection of ERP according to modules

SAP BUSINESS ONE ERP is the perfect and modular solution for managing any business; this is the key to its success. Modules such as finance, accounting, sales, inventory, purchases and CRM are some of the options offered. Its implementation will also provide valuable information on your business to make the right decisions to aid growth and evolution.

An ERP system should at least have adequate financial management, sales and customer management, purchase control and inventory. In addition, it should be able to plan production, and through business intelligence, be able to generate analyses and reports. If you want to choose the best software for your SME, have a look at the detailed information on our SAP BUSINESS ONE product and check out its power.

Selección ERP

Adaptation of the ERP budget to the company

A very important aspect, of course, is the budget for the implementation and ongoing maintenance of the ERP system. There are free services and modules, but they are in reality so basic that they cease to be useful. As soon as a number of minimal functionalities are needed, you will have to go to payment plans that guarantee quality and support.

The saying "cheap becomes expensive" is so true in this case, since you cannot expect to have a management solution at zero cost. Payment options can be flexible and most companies in the sector offer different modalities to facilitate it.

Adecuación presupuesto

Adequate technical support

Apart from the modules and their functionalities, another essential aspect when choosing the best software for your SME is good technical support. Having the peace of mind of knowing that in the event of technical incidents or queries, you are going to receive help, guaranteed. Signing a contract that guarantees this service and with quick action in the event of a serious incident, is synonymous with quality.

Furthermore, when signing up for regular maintenance, you will have the advantage of always being up to date with the latest versions. Software development is always alive under continuous improvement and evolution, and updates will be constant to improve the product with each new version.

Soporte técnico

Conclusions for choosing the best software for your SME.

A prior study and analysis of the different providers will help you solve many headaches. At SEIDOR, with SAP BUSINESS ONE, we will be able to meet your needs as a small or mid-sized company. We have designed a set of applications bundled in dimensioned management software for any sector.

This is a flexible solution that is fully modulated and has a great management power. We cover the logical management needs and customise the modules necessary for your business. The simple and intuitive interface of SAP BUSINESS ONE results in quick use with little learning time required. Contact us and we'll offer you the best management software for your SME at a very interesting price.

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